The iPod Death Clock – how long does your iPod have to live?
Ever wonder when the battery in your iPod will roll over and die on you? Well, no need to live with the worry any more. The people of iPodMechanic.com have devised an iPod Death Clock that will tell you how long you can continue using your shiny toy before you have to start looking for…
New iMac Commercial – Mac Porn Anyone?
If you read this blog you probably know Morten is not very fond of Apple products. Nevertheless here is the new Mac porn commercial for your viewing pleasure. All we wonder is this: Since the huge lcd screen, processor, graphics card not to mention power supply and everything else is crammed into such a slim…
Microsoft Tries its Hand at Design…and Hiding the Elephant
A lot of eyebrows were raised in the web design and development community when Microsoft announced that they were diving head first into the web development market with a new program package designed to be in direct competition with Adobe’s (formerly Macromedia) Flash platform. In conjunction (though somewhat delayed) with the release of Windows Vista…
The 10 most used passwords show we are all stupid
What is your password? If the answer is “password”, “123456”, “qwerty” or your own first name you are among the millions of people who need to spend some more time securing their data. Danish magazine EPN.dk is quoting an upcoming article in PC Magazine that makes public the 10 most used passwords in the world. …
More trouble for iTunes in Europe
On the heels of the announcement that the EMI catalogue on iTunes will now be sold without DRM (meaning you can play the music on any mp3 player, not just the iPod) the European Union is launching an antitrust probe into the online music store. The cause for the probe lies in the way iTunes…