Akash on The Jenn & Joe Show, May 21, 2009, Talking Tech on Talk1410AM
This is what Akash is talking about on the Jenn & Joe Show, Talk410AM (Vancouver). www.talk1410.com
Akash is talking Tech on The Jenn & Joe Show, May 7, 2009
This is what Akash is talking about on www.talk1410.com Mother’s Day Tech Gift Ideas! on Vimeo. ** Finis SwiMP3 Underwater MP3, www.finisinc.com $149 ** Motorola “Hint” cell phone, www.motorola.ca $plan dependent ** ClickFree Traveller, www.clickfree.com $60 ** Bodyguardz Protectors, www.bodyguardz.com $10 and up ** Speakal: iPanda, www.speakal.com $129 ** Oral-B Pulsonic Brush www.oralb.com …
Akash on Citytv’s Breakfast Television (BT: Vancouver), May 4, 2009
Watch Akash’s Mother’s Day tech segment on Citytv’s Breakfast Television (Vancouver).