OK, so the words “gadget” and “women’s lingerie” don’t often go together, but when this one landed in our inbox we just had to go with it. Introducing the C-String – the VPL-free (Visible Panty Line for us men) tan-line-free pantie for women who don’t want to pull a Britney/Paris/Lindsay on
up-skirt photographers curious onlookers.
The C-String is a piece of fabric suspended by some sort of flexible material that “clips” on covering the bare minimum of what should be covered without wrapping around her hips leaving that annoying panty line. From the photos I’d say a shave or a wax is a must if you want to sport this most intimate of gadgets.
Being a man I must say this concept is mezmerising to look at. Whether or not it actually works in reality is another matter. Alice Smellie of the Daily Mail in the UK did a week’s worth of testing of this …. product and her review leaves little to the imagination.