So you noticed? I hope you did. Welcome to the new and massively improved AndNowYouKnow. When we started we based the site on the impressive Content Management System Joomla! (yes, the name is Joomla! with an exclamation point). Unfortunately it turned out that running a gadget blog like this one using Joomla! was a bit like trying to drive a Hummer through a convenient store. So after much research and countless hours of hair pulling and teeth grinding we decided to switch to WordPress – a better and easier solution (for us at least).
Along with our new site comes our new fancy logo and what we hope will be a better user experience for you and your friends. In the coming weeks we will post our huge backlog of video reviews along with piles and piles of new articles. We’ve also tied in two new writers who will contribute in ways that will be explained once they get their collective acts together and start churning out the goods instead of sitting on their asses surfing the web for chicks valuable information.
With that being said I welcome you all to our new and improved site. Hope you enjoy it as much as we do now that the painful transition is over and done with.