Apple Halloween App’s
Boo! What’s almost as scary as Apple saying that they’ve run out of iPhone 5’s, forever?! Halloween Apps on iTunes. Here are some suggestions to make your night of ghouls more exciting. KID FRIENDLY FUN – Check out the Full Collection HERE It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown iPad, iPhone and iPod touch ($4.99) Narrated…
Apps to help you enjoy Canada Day (July 1st), from Apple
Yes, Canada’s gonna party like it’s its birthday – well, because it is! Our little old Canada is celebrating with 145 candles, and no need to keep the Fire Dept. on call, we’re responsible enough. If you’re a techie like me, here are some Apps that can enhance the experience for you: CANADA DAY…
Anne Geddes – Photographer – My First Five Years App now on the Mac App Store
If you have child, or know of someone who does (almost everyone these days has one of them or knows someone who does – it’s quite trendy…), then check out this new App exclusively on the Mac App Store; http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/my-first-five-years/id478707577?mt=12 Here’s the info: Anne Geddes’ bestselling baby record book My First Five Years now available…
March 19, 2012: Omni Punjabi News Hour, new iPad and More
Watch Akash Sablok on Omni’s Punjabi News Hour talking tech. Host: Jasdip Wahla http://www.omnibc.ca/ ** Apple (new) iPad 64GB Wifi+4G, www.apple.ca ** iHome Wireless Speaker (BT) iDM11B, www.ihomeaudio.com ** Griffin PowerBlock Plus, www.griffintechnologies.com ** Griffin iPad (new) Survivor Case, www.griffintechnologies.com ** Sennheiser RS220 Wireless Headphones, www.sennheiser.ca ** Logitech Harmony 900 Remote, www.logitech.com…
March 19, 2012: Breakfast Television (BT) new iPad and More
Watch Akash Sablok on City’s Breakfast Television talking about the new iPad and more, with Host Crazy Legs Riaz Meghji: www.btvancouver.ca ** Apple (new) iPad 64GB Wifi+4G (as tested $849), www.apple.ca ** iHome Wireless Speaker (BT) iDM11B, $69.99, www.ihomeaudio.com ** Griffin PowerBlock Plus Wall Charger, $34.99, www.griffintechnologies.com ** Griffin iPad (new) Survivor Case,…
Super Bowl 46 – 2012 – iTunes, Apps, and Madonna / Patriots vs. Giants
Yes, Madge is back, and her and her gapped teeth will be singing during the half time show this Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012. Before the game music time for Madonna: http://www.itunes.com/Madonna Here are some Official NFL Apps avaialble from the iTunes App Store: Super Bowl XLVI Commemorative App http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/super-bowl-xlvi-commemorative/id497584043?mt=8 /app/super-bowl-xlvi-commemorative/id497584043?mt=8 The Super Bowl XLVI Commemorative…
Jan. 5, 2012 – BT: Vancouver – Tech Toys You Didn’t Get For Xmas!
Watch Akash Sablok on Citytv (Vancouver)’s Breakfast Television, with host Riaz Meghji, talking about the latest tech toys (that Santa didn’t bring you). www.btvancouver.ca www.twitter.com/AkashSablok “>
Dec. 22, 2011, Omni Punjabi News Last Minute Tech Gift Ideas
Watch Akash Sablok, with host Jasdip Wahla, talk about some last minute tech gift ideas. OmniBC “> ** Bowers & Wilkins Zeppelin Air, www.bowers-wilkins.com ** Breville Personal Pie Maker, www.breville.ca ** Seagate GoFlex Satellite (iDevice HD), www.seagate.com ** Toshiba 3D laptop, www.toshiba.ca ** Olympus PEN3 Camera, www.olympuscanada.com ** Adobe Photoshop Elements 10/Premiere 10, www.adobe.com/ca **…
Feb. 8, 2011 Omni Punjabi News – Valentine’s Tech
Watch Akash Sablok on Omni’s Punjabi News Hour talking about Valentine’s tech gift ideas (Feb.8, 2011). Host: Jasdip Wahla http://www.omnibc.ca/ ** Swatch Love Collection, http://www.swatch.com/ ** HP Mini 210, 1GB Ram, Win7, 250GB, http://www.hp.ca/ ** http://www.thinkgeek.com/ Magic-Pro, Pro-Mini BT Keyboard ** 4Moms mamaRoo, http://www.4moms.com/ ** HeatTrak Heated Mat, http://www.heattrak.com/ ** Fujitsu ScanSnap S1100 Portable USB…
Feb. 9, 2011 – Urban Rush Valentines Gift Ideas for Men
Watch Akash Sablok on Urban Rush (Shaw Cable), with hosts Fiona Forbes and Michael Eckford, talking Valentine’s tech gift ideas for men (Feb. 9, 2011). http://start.shaw.ca/Start/enCA/Local+Content/British+Columbia/Vancouver/stv_ur_home.htm ** Flip mino HD, NHL Edition (Canucks), http://www.theflip.com/ ** Apple iPad Keyboard Dock, http://www.apple.ca/ ** 4Moms mamaRoo, http://www.4moms.com/ ** Milwaukee Tools M12 Palm Nailer Kit, http://www.milwaukee.com/ ** Tek4 Laser…